1. MUA Nail Constilations
2. Shellac base coat and top oat
2. Shellac base coat and top oat
3. 2 Matching shellac colours
4. Apply Base coat and cure in lamp5. Apply 1st coat of Shellac colour on alternative nails and cure in lamp
6. Apply second coat of shellac colours, then hold your hand over a bowl while you pour the constilations onto your nails. Press them firmly onto your nails then cure in lamp.
7. After curing
8. After Curing
9. I applied and cured 2 coats of top coat to get a smoother finnish however this seemed to discolour the constilations so sad me :(
You can of course achieve this look with nail polish, I just used shellac as it lasts longer!!!
Have you ever tried nail constilation? What do you think?
Let me know